Measures to Improve the Service Life of Narrow Gauge Locomotive
Date:2019-07-04 Label:
Electric Locomotive
Underground Mining Locomotive
Narrow Gauge Locomotive
(1) When a narrow gauge locomotive is running under no-load or light-load, it should make the motor run with resistance and control its no-load or light-load operation in the shortest time. In general, the underground mining locomotive must be equipped with a rated load of not less than 30% and 40%, so as not to affect the service life of the motor due to excessive speed.
(2) Strengthen the maintenance of electric locomotive. For the electrical locomotive resistors, contacts and other faults, timely maintenance and treatment. We should not only pay attention to theoretical training, improve the ability of maintenance workers to analyze and judge faults, improve the quality of maintenance, but also curb the illegal operation of locomotive drivers, and prohibit the controller handle from sliding through several control gears.
(3) It is forbidden to apply reverse braking under normal conditions for narrow gauge locomotives, and locomotive drivers who do not listen to dissuasion or warning should be criticized, educated or punished.
(4) The number of tractors for electric locomotives should be clearly stipulated, and violations such as overloading should be included in the three violations punishment regulations of enterprises.
(5) Strengthen on-site management and take serious measures to deal with rail-jumping accidents of underground mining locomotive and mining vehicles in accordance with the principle of "three not to let go".