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Several Methods for Checking Technical Troubles of Battery Locomotive

Date:2019-08-07     Label:

Electric Locomotive Locomotive Battery Locomotive

1. Interrogation
Ask the driver and repairman about the signs and conditions before and after the locomotive breakdown, or consult the record of the locomotive on board and the record of the maintenance and repair files, etc. as a reference basis for judging and analyzing the locomotive breakdown.

2. Observation
By observing the abnormal phenomena of the machine, we can judge the faults of the locomotive, such as leakage of water, oil, air and electricity, abnormal oil temperature, oil pressure, water temperature and illumination on the exterior of the locomotive.

3. Cylinder Breaking Method
Stop the oil supply or ignition of one cylinder in turn, observe the change of fault signs, and determine which cylinder of locomotive has a fault.

4. Trial Method
In the process of analyzing locomotive faults, the causes of some faults can not be accurately judged for a moment. Some tentative inspection and adjustment methods are used to observe the changes of fault signs to verify whether the suspicion is true.

I wonder if you have learned it? I hope you can try your best to eliminate wear and failure when using, so that explosion-proof battery locomotive can give full play to its advantages.

Several Methods for Checking Technical Troubles of Battery Locomotive



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