Paid Attention To When Charging The Explosion-Proof Battery Electric LocomotiveⅠ
Date:2019-12-28 Label:
Battery Locomotive
Narrow Gauge Locomotive
The traction equipment composed of cab, braking system, traveling system, control system, battery pack, lighting, etc. has many advantages, such as simple, reliable, flexible and so on. In the long run, this equipment has always been operated by charging, so what should be paid attention to when charging the explosion-proof battery electric locomotive?
(1) Before charging, check whether the power connection is correct again, observe the indicated value of voltmeter, make a record, and then start the rectifier to start charging.
(2) Pay attention to observe the changes in the charging process of the battery (including the specific gravity and temperature of the electrolyte, the terminal voltage of the battery and the change of the charging current). In case of any abnormality, the power shall be cut off and the battery shall not be charged with fault.
(3) The charging mode, charging current, charging time, conventional charging or fast charging of various types of batteries and chargers shall be in accordance with the product manual and relevant technical documents.
(4) When 80% of the unit battery electric locomotive voltage rises to 2.4V, the second stage can be used for charging. When the electrolyte emits fine and strong bubbles and reaches a new level of more than 2.5V, the voltage, specific gravity and stability remain unchanged for 3 hours, the charging is completed.
(5) The specific gravity of each battery cell before stopping charging: acid is 1.26 ± 0.01, otherwise, it can be adjusted by distilled water (when it is greater than 1.27) or dilute sulfuric acid (when it is less than 1.25) with specific gravity of 1.3. The alkalinity is 1.17-1.22, and the liquid level is 10-20 mm higher than the electrode plate, and the alkalinity is 15-30 mm.