The Maintenance Work Of The Underground Mining Trolley Locomotive Should Not Be Ignored
Date:2020-01-11 Label:
Electric Locomotive
Underground Mining Locomotive
Narrow Gauge Locomotive
The proper maintenance of the mining trolley locomotive not only improves our work efficiency, but also helps our safe use, so I hope you can understand it.
Check whether the narrow gauge locomotive contact between the brush and the commutator surface is good. The contact surface shall not be less than 80%. The brush can move up and down freely in the brush box, and shall not be stuck, sluggish or loose.
Check the narrow gauge locomotive working surface of the commutator. The commutator shall have a well ground surface. When the commutator is in good operation, the surface shall have a layer of maroon oxide film. If there is dirt or carbon powder on the surface of the commutator, wipe it with a soft, lint free white cloth. If there is oil stain on the surface of the commutator, wipe it with a white cloth stained with alcohol. If necessary, mica between commutators shall be cleaned and grooves shall be cut.
Check whether all bolts and other fasteners are fastened in place.
Clean the dirt attached to the shell frequently to avoid affecting the heat dissipation of the motor.
In case of any abnormal condition (such as abnormal color of commutator surface, excessive spark, etc.) during operation, the working narrow gauge locomotive shall be stopped immediately. The mining stringing electric locomotive can resume work only after maintenance and fault elimination. After inspection, the motor must be restored to closed state before operation.