Working Principle Of Electric Locomotive Inverter
Date:2020-02-14 Label:
Electric Locomotive
Underground Mining Locomotive
The locomotive inverter is an electric energy control device that uses the on-off effect of power semiconductor devices to convert the power frequency power supply to another frequency.
The frequency converter of the electric locomotive we currently use mainly adopts AC-DC-AC (VVVF frequency conversion or vector control frequency conversion). First, the power frequency AC power is converted into DC power through a rectifier, and then the DC power is converted into frequency and voltage. Controlled AC power to the motor.
The circuit of the locomotive inverter is generally composed of four parts: rectification, intermediate DC link, inverter and control. The rectification part is a three-phase bridge type uncontrollable rectifier, the inverter part is an IGBT three-phase bridge type inverter, and the output is a PWM waveform. The intermediate DC link is filtering, DC energy storage and buffering reactive power.